
The Essence of Double Ninth Festival


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The Essence of Double Ninth Festival

时间:2024-01-16 01:35 点击:101 次


The Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chongyang Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. With a history of over 2,000 years, this festival holds great significance in Chinese culture. In this article, we will delve into the details of the Double Ninth Festival, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of this unique celebration.

Origin and Significance

The Double Ninth Festival originated from ancient times, when people believed that the ninth day of the ninth lunar month was an auspicious day to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. It was also seen as an opportunity to pay respect to ancestors and enhance one's spiritual well-being. Over time, the festival has evolved into a day to honor the elderly, as the number "nine" is associated with longevity in Chinese culture.

Ascending Heights

One of the traditional customs during the Double Ninth Festival is to climb mountains. This activity symbolizes the pursuit of higher goals and aspirations. People of all ages gather to climb hills and mountains, enjoying the beauty of nature while fostering a sense of unity and determination.

Chrysanthemum Appreciation

Chrysanthemums are the designated flowers of the Double Ninth Festival. They are believed to have medicinal properties and are used to repel evil spirits. During this festival, people often decorate their homes with chrysanthemums and create intricate flower arrangements. Additionally, chrysanthemum tea is commonly consumed to promote good health and longevity.

Special Food and Drinks

On the Double Ninth Festival, people indulge in various traditional delicacies. One popular dish is "Chongyang cake," a steamed cake made from glutinous rice and various nuts. It is believed to bring good luck and protect against evil spirits. Additionally, drinking chrysanthemum wine is a common practice during this festival, as it is believed to have medicinal properties and strengthen the body.

Protective Measures

In ancient times, people believed that evil spirits were more active during the Double Ninth Festival. To protect themselves, they would wear sachets filled with herbs and hang them around their necks or on their doors. This practice has continued to this day, with people using sachets as a form of protection and good luck charm.

Family Reunions

Similar to other Chinese festivals,米乐M6官方网站 the Double Ninth Festival is a time for family reunions. It provides an opportunity for family members to gather, pay respects to ancestors, and enjoy each other's company. It is a time of bonding and strengthening family ties.

Poetry and Literature

The Double Ninth Festival has inspired numerous poems and literary works throughout history. Many renowned poets have written about the beauty of autumn, the significance of the festival, and the emotions associated with family and aging. These works serve as a testament to the cultural and artistic importance of the Double Ninth Festival.

Traditional Attire

During the Double Ninth Festival, people often wear traditional attire to showcase their cultural heritage. This includes garments such as cheongsams for women and Tang suits for men. By dressing in traditional clothing, individuals pay homage to their ancestors and preserve their cultural identity.

Outdoor Activities

Apart from mountain climbing, various outdoor activities are organized during the Double Ninth Festival. These include kite flying, dragon boat races, and cultural performances. These activities not only provide entertainment but also promote a sense of community and cultural pride.

Charitable Acts

The Double Ninth Festival is also a time for charitable acts. Many organizations and individuals donate money, food, and other necessities to the less fortunate. This act of kindness and compassion is believed to bring blessings and good fortune to those who participate.


Modern Celebrations

In modern times, the Double Ninth Festival has evolved to incorporate new elements. Technology has allowed people to connect with loved ones through video calls, sending virtual greetings and wishes. Additionally, various cultural events and exhibitions are held to educate the younger generation about the significance of this festival.


The Double Ninth Festival is a cherished tradition that holds deep cultural and historical significance in China. From climbing mountains to appreciating chrysanthemums, this festival encompasses a range of customs and activities that celebrate family, nature, and the pursuit of happiness. By understanding and embracing the essence of the Double Ninth Festival, we can appreciate the rich heritage and values it represents.

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